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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

another day, another opportunity to learn

             Today, I have learned a lot of things after our discussion on our informatics subject. Our teacher has taught us about how computers or informatics in general can help us in our profession as a nurse. Which for me is an interesting topics since at college we often ask ourselves "will this course ever help me in the future?" "Will I ever use this knowledge?". This might be a popular question but in a long run, we will actually have answers to question when we grow old. In this class, I was able to learn more about what computers can do to my course and be able to know what I can do when I chose this path.

          Well, today, I now know that computers can help us in our everyday duties as a nurse like for example, keeping our patient's data or being able to have a system where we can able to access all the history a patient can have. Also, that I am really inspired to being an Informatics Innovator  or being an informatics nurse specialist because I could be able to conduct researches as I am able to help my own patients and I can also be able to use more advances tools to be able to do my job better. Although, having data computerized or making electronic patient records have development constraints such as, being able to have a standard clinical terminology, concerns about data privacy confidentiality and security since some people know how to hack in to other computers. With that, privacy will be a problem when records are now changed to the computer. Also, data entry challenges will be hard since not all of the people are very good at handling computers and some might need more enhancement and lastly, the integration of records and other information resources. On the other hand, having it computerized has more benefits. It can be able to help not just the nurses but all the people in the medical field, like doctors, midwives, specialist and more importantly the patients. It will create a system that will make it more efficient. Like for example being able to access data in a faster way and be able to asses the patient faster since we now know what their past medical history is.

          Overall, I think that today’s lesson was interesting and helpful. It is because I am able to know and have more ideas of what I can be in the future. Also, it opened myself to a new perspective. Especially, that today, our technology is advancing and what other way can we do to help that to be able to improve and be able to give care as nurses in a better way. Lasly, as Atenean nurses, I think that if this will pursue in the future, it will be a product of magis and that I could still live by the words “men and women for others”. Since, we nurses have on goal being able to improve the health of population community, family and individuals.

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